Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wall Street, Education, Sports and Politics - Has it all become about Money only

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility!!! Haven't successful and powerful people read and seen Spiderman comics/movies? They must!

It makes me, a 40 years old and sure does make many youngsters feel if people in higher place really work hard to achieve their positions of influence and power or do they keep climbing by morally bankrupting themselves or calling themselves "Smart workers". 

What example does it set for the youngsters of America who are thinking about a morally successful career? 
What GOD do we people believe in? What Law do we people believe in? What kind of Ethics do we people believe in? What is the culture that we are passing on to the youngsters of America?

Wall Street, Education, Sports and Politics - Has it all become about Money only? Has it all become about living a life worst than a speechless and unprovoked animal. Time to learn from the animals in the wild who are more ethical than we human beings

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility!

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