Tuesday, June 22, 2010

President Obama is not our Slave. He needs a break.

He is the President of United States of America to be assisted by the 100 members in Congress, 435 House of Representatives,Governors and Mayors to tackle the following problems.

At times he needs a break to play golf and de-stress. At least he is not running the country recklessly(there are no $$$ without printing more or zero debt/deficit situation to let the country run amok).

1. Economy - Financial crises due to the reckless lifestyle of people who are greedy, knowledgeably amateurs and live beyond their means, believe in Capitalism and then depends on government for survival - Shame on you!.

2. Two Wars - In case you have Amnesia - Iraq & Afghanistan plus Rogue generals and ranks who give immature and stupid interviews to Rolling stones.

3. BP - Oil Spill by a co. which is a representative of a successful free-market/capitalist enterprise that can give you employment. yeah! right your company works for Jesus or god and not bending the law.

4. Terrorist Threats - ex. Time Square, Delta airlines.

5. Reducing Long term deficit/debt - Here is a scenario: you have personal debts like house and car. You get unemployed. Instead of digging wholly into your savings and cashing out your investments, you use your credit cards for daily needs(not wants, only basic food, clothing and shelter) until you find a job. The US government is doing the same thing. Now multiply personal debts of each American (X), 300 million people * X = $13 Trillion. We all have lost our jobs due to financial crises created by citizens who bought homes they could not afford or sustain to pay.

Solution: We print more $$ - thank you GOD for the global currency - to meet the basic needs and save wherever we can until we can go back to a strong dollar (eg. 2000) , zero deficit and hope another boy does not come back and create a mess.

6. Immigration.

President Obama is not your slave. During slavery and in some third world countries today, servants are used to clean up. The President is not here to clean up the mess created. What mess? - look above and read again.

Be glad that he is not acting like a Cowboy or uses words in vain by believing his philosopher is GOD.