Monday, April 9, 2012

Low effort thinking conveniently adopted by the conservative minded.

Bill Cosby said today - "When you carry a gun, you mean to harm somebody, kill somebody." -

The Gun, it's lovers and the IRA are nothing but an example of prostituted low effort thinking Capitalism i.e negative Capitalism. Capitalism has indeed been beneficial to the population and the best example for the world is USA and the Indian sub continent back in the 16th and 17th century. Wait! The best examples today are all the free-market economies. Soon, the emerging markets will benefit from positive capitalism too - people in these countries are benefitting. Worldwide positive Capitalism is called Globalization as naive low effort thinking individuals in the emerging markets feel that USA or the so called WEST hurt poor economies when reality is the needs of the people in the emerging markets are the same as those that have been in the USA and other developed nation.

So what gives into defending and criticizing a change that is for the positve good of humanity? It is low effort thinking convinently adopted by conservatives or people who are set in their ways, providing justification for their right to their own needs and existance but are no different from those who want to justify the right to carry on with their set in stone thought process.

Being born a sinner is a conservative approach and not a very good justification for carrying a gun. Likewise being born in a certain category - Hetro, Gay, Les, Black, White, Asian -  and accepting it for life is a conservative approach as well and not a good justification for harming anybody, even if without a Gun.

Constant desire to change oneself on a day to day basis for the betterment of living beings is the key to high effort thinking and justification of being a true desciple of Humanity.

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